How To Fixed High Disk Usage With Superfetch In Windows 10

high disk usage

How To Fixed High Disk Usage With Superfetch In Windows 10: If your computer holds 100% disk usage Superfetch for a long time, it would lead towards affecting its functionality indeed. Here, we are going to focus on it that how it shows you what to do in those situations indeed. The first thing is that it is not an uncommon issue. Do you want to know how you may fix High Disk Usage With Superfetch in Windows 10? Let us check it out more about it.



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You may not believe that RESTORO has truly been downloaded by a large number of people. Moreover, users do also complain regarding their disk usage stays at 100% once they install Windows 10. Here, it needs to mention that this problem can also occur in Windows 10 but it probably shows up while going with the Windows Operating Systems. You may also go with a few workarounds you may try to mitigate the disk usages, we were showing you in this content to get the most out of it.

To Disable Superfetch Service

What you need to do is go-ahead to search and type Service.msc and do open Services. You would be having Supertech service and right-click on it. Then you need to go on Properties. Once it is done, you need to click on Disable and then you need to press on OK. The next thing you need to do is to Reboot your system and check if the disk usage has been reduced or not. Superfetch and Prefetch are the important services that you may make sure that your system would perform in an ideal manner predicting that what sort of applications the user is supposed to kick off. Preemptively Loading Program Data would be there into its memory to get the best out of it. Here, it needs to mention that these services could also lead towards a high disk usage sometimes and this is why you probably would like to disable them to get rid of your issues.

Disable Prefetch –

You need to go ahead to Search and do type Regedit and do open Registry Editor to accumulate needed information. You need to navigate following these points indeed. Do click on EnablePrefetch. You may configure EnablePrefetch entering some of the following values into Value Data Box such as Disable Prefetcher, Enables Prefetch for Application only, Boot Files Only, and Boot and Applications Files. Here, it needs to mention that the default value is 3 then it needs to set to 0. After this, you need to Restart your system.

Turn Off Windows Search –

Do open Command Prompt being Ad Administrator and enter the following command:net.exe stop Windows Search. You need to wait until this process is completed. The next thing you need to make sure that Launch Task Manager and do check if your disk usage is still at 100%.

Many users have already confirmed which disable Windows Search Fixes this issue. So, if these quick solutions fix the issues which means that you have got to know the culprit. The next thing you need to do is disable Windows Search Permanently. What you need to do is go ahead and search and then do type then kick off Services. To find the Windows Search service and do right-click on it. Then you need to move on the option of Properties. Then click “Startup” and “Disabled” and go-ahead to “Apply”.

Run Disk Check –

Do launch command Prompt being an administrator. Then do enter into CHKDSK/R command. Do wait for your system so that your command could be processed. The next thing you need to do is to go to choose the TASK MANAGER and do check if the problem persists. This would help to make you get rid of any problem with your disk and do fix the high disk usage problem too.

Run Disk Cleanup-

Now, you need to do on SEARCH typing DISK CLEANUP and do double click on the first result to launch the tool. Then choose the disk you suppose to clean. Your system will show more information regarding free space. Now, you need to choose the Clean Up System Files options to kick off the process.

Do Update Your Computer

Talking about the golden rule to use Windows 1o, you should always go with updating your system. New updates help to improve the OS adding new features and to fix all kinds of bugs.

Disable Problematic Software –

The next thing you need to consider is that you should disable the problematic software to get rid of the issue. These apps, software, and program cover up too much space.

Reset Virtual Memory –

The next thing you can do is to Reset Virtual Memory. You should open Control Panel, do type Advanced System Settings following the ADVANCED SYSTEM. Then go to Performance and go to SETTINGS. Then choose ADVANCE, Virtual Memory, and then click CHANGE. The next option you need to choose is Automatically Manage Paging File Size For All Drives. Then you need to choose the drive where you can install Windows and enter the Initial Size as well as Maximum Size regarding Virtual Memory Settings and then choose on SET THE NEW Values.

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Hope these above-mentioned points will truly help you to fix high disk usage following the superfetch in Windows 10. Follow them to get rid of space issues indeed.