Service Host Superfetch Disk Usage: Service host SuperFetch system – a technology for optimizing the processes of the OS and accelerated access to applications It analyzes the most frequently loaded programs by the user. With the new launch of such programs, SuperFetch saves application files to RAM, that is, it caches them. SuperFetch is a service that is an application for pre-loading various kinds of programs. which means analyzing your system for used utilities, after starting it adds them to the computer’s memory. This is done in order to maximize the download of applications for subsequent work with them. All SuperFetch work is out of sight for the user. Remembering the programs that the user uses in constancy, she previously, even before the application is launched directly, unloads its data into RAM, if its volume allows. Thus, when you start the program, the calculations will begin not from the very beginning, but from the platform created by the service. All this allows you to speed up the operating system and the device as a whole. Thus, the inclusion of the program is much faster due to the fact that its data is already stored in the device’s RAM. They do not need to be re-read from the hard drive. SuperFetch is presented as SysMain in the process tree of operating systems (if you open the “Task Manager”).
The essence of his work was approximately as follows: at the initial stage of launching components and applications, a special function monitors the data exchange operations between RAM and the hard disk and writes them to special PF files. Based on this data, a map of links to executable files and directories is created, and when the system starts, the Prefetcher service accesses these maps and downloads cached program data to a special area of RAM. At the moment the system or user starts the program, a full access to its executable file does not occur, since its “part” is already saved and loaded into memory. As a result, the number of accesses to the hard disk is reduced, and the application starts faster. We will not dwell on the difference between the two services, we only note that SuperFetch can create configuration files containing data on the frequency and conditions of launching frequently used programs.
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Sometimes they may experience a problem with low system performance. The reason may be the SuperFetch service, which loads the disk heavily. To improve the performance and speed of a computer on Windows 10, many recommend disabling this service. SuperFetch Host Service is the feature that is obtained with the Windows operating system automatically. It is an advanced RAM management feature that is intended to result in a better user experience with faster operating speed. It is the successor of the feature called PreFetch that you get to see in Windows 10. From Windows 7 and later, you can see this function. While RAM access is much faster than hard drive access and provides faster operating speed, SuperFetch recovers data from RAM instead of the hard drive. SuperFetch does the work more efficiently by managing the amount of random access on your Windows device. Therefore, we can say that SuperFetch Host Service has two main objectives to achieve. The first is to reduce startup time and the other is to ensure that the applications in use can be loaded more efficiently.
SuperFetch A service that runs constantly in the background and finds out which applications are used most often. Over time, mark these applications as “frequently used” and preload them into RAM. If you own a modern computer with at least average specifications, the SuperFetch service will work well and will not cause any problems. In most cases, SuperFetch really benefits from it. If you own a modern computer with at least average specifications, the SuperFetch service will work well and will not cause any problems.
SuperFetch office required if you are using a hard drive (HDD) on your computer and a small amount of RAM (up to 4 GB). When using modern components, you can disable the service to not slow down your PC. SuperFetch is a type of service, which is an application for preloading various types of programs. In other words, analyzing the system for actively used utilities, after starting it adds them to the computer memory. This is done to speed up loading of applications for later work with them. All SuperFetch work is out of the user’s sight. Remembering the programs that the user constantly uses, previously, even before the application was launched directly, it downloads its data in RAM, if its volume allows it. Therefore, when you run the program, the calculations will start not from the beginning, but from the platform created by the service.
Based on this, we can conclude that the visibility of the uploaded activities and their actual number may differ. You may have noticed that the application you use on an ongoing basis starts much faster than others with the same load. This corollary is a derivative of SuperFetch’s work. SuperFetch was released in Windows Vista, after which the service was included in future versions. With the development of technology, this solution becomes less and less relevant, therefore it is also possible to deactivate it. Sometimes, when this feature is disabled or even activated, system errors occur, but this is rather an individual feature of some changes. Consequently, in this case it is necessary to change the status of the service.
In turn, this approach is beneficial, but it also occupies additional RAM, which are probably unnecessary programs at the moment. Therefore, you can decide for yourself whether SuperFetch is worth the resources or not. In general, it is recommended to stop the service in the case of low-power computers whose resources do not allow to support the work of additional, although useful, processes. If you use an SSD, you can also disable this feature, as it won’t bring many benefits. You can also disable the PreFetch service, they are grouped together and perform similar activities. At the moment, in modern computers, SuperFetch has lost its relevance due to its high power, since it is not necessary to download more information in advance, it starts quickly enough. There are several ways to disable the SuperFetch service, you can enable it in the same way, ie: using the standard “Services” menu and the registry editor. The first option is preferable, since the function is provided by the manufacturer and does not require alternative solutions.
We recently noticed this problem on one of our Windows 10 PCs. We determined the Superfetch service was the problem, although the Windows Task Manager didn’t stress that. Superfetch is only enabled on PCs with traditional mechanical hard drives not solid state drives. Watch to see the applications you use most frequently and load your files into RAM to speed things up when you start. On Windows 10, a bug that can cause Superfetch to occasionally use a ridiculous amount of system resources.
To solve this problem, it is recommended to disable the service Superfetch. You should only disable the service Superfetch if you are actually having this problem, you can speed up starting applications if you have a car mechanic. However, if the Superfetch process is out of control and engulfing all the resources, the deactivation will be the speed of your PC.
Since SuperFetch always runs in the background, the service itself always uses processor and RAM resources. SuperFetch does not completely eliminate the need to load applications into RAM, it simply speeds up the process. Whenever a download occurs, the system will experience the same slowdown as if you had started an application without SuperFetch. System startup may be slowed down because SuperFetch preloads a large amount of data from the hard drive into RAM. If every time you start or restart your computer, the hard drive runs at 100% load for several minutes, SuperFetch may be the culprit. The effect of using SuperFetch may not be obvious if Windows 10 is installed on the SSD. Since the SSD is very fast, preloading is not necessary. SuperFetch can cause problems in games if your system has 4 gigabytes of memory or less. This problem is relevant for games that use a large amount of RAM, which constantly require and free up memory. This behavior can cause SuperFetch to load and unload continuously.
The first trial use of the technology occurred in Windows XP. In Vista, this technology was called Prefetcher (pre-fetch from English). This technology was used to optimize the loading of OS components and various modules of launched applications just before launch. After implementation in the Windows 7 operating system, the technology was partially redesigned, including its name changed to SuperFetch. The service has changed, but part of the Prefetcher (prefetch) is still present. The prefeter, unfortunately, has several drawbacks. The RAM of the device is limited, so it makes sense to download only frequently used applications.
When the program is no longer used frequently, its data is deleted from the RAM and again appears on the hard disk in the page file. The new version of SuperFetch studies the user’s work with programs, creates special cards and saves the configuration of regularly downloaded applications. If the program was unloaded, then this service analyzes the entire process, due to which the unloading occurred. If necessary, SuperFetch initiates a new download of program data to the device’s RAM. As a result, the user gets greater operating system performance and fast loading of popular programs. Sometimes problems may occur if the amount of RAM in the device is less than 1 gigabyte. Next, we dwell on this issue.
We have already noted above that at present the feasibility of using SuperFetch is being called into question by many. Someone claims that by disabling super-sampling, you can free up additional RAM, someone says that disabling SuperFetch allows you to extend the life of your hard drives, especially SSDs, there are also claims that if there is more than enough operative memory on your PC memory, then there will simply not be much benefit from the service.
What can be said about this? The SuperFetch service consumes very few resources and it is doubtful that disabling it will add any performance even on slower machines. Most likely, everything will be just the opposite, as the system and programs will start slower. On a PC with a large amount of RAM, the release of several megabytes will also not play any significant role, but the boot time of the system and applications will increase, although this will not be so noticeable.
Note: installed on a Windows solid-state drive, as a rule, it disables super-sampling itself, in other cases it can be manually disabled if it is recommended by the manufacturer. Do not also forget that disabling SuperFetch, you can no longer use some of the functions of Windows, in particular, ReadyBoost, designed to speed up computers with a small amount of RAM. Perhaps the only reason for disconnecting is the case when the SuperFetch service loads a disk in Windows 7/10, interfering with the normal operation of the user, and other ways to fix the problem, for example, updating hardware drivers, do not give a positive result.
So, now let’s see how SuperFetch settings are managed. What kind of service it is, It’s already a little clear. We proceed directly to the setup. It is best to use the registry policies for these purposes. However, the second option, in fact, duplicates the first, so let’s dwell on the registry. The editor is called by the regedit command in the Run menu (Win + R).
Here, using the HKLM branch, in the system section you need to find the PrefetchParameters directory (these parameters can also be found using a search query). We are interested in two keys: Enable Prefetcher and Enable SuperFetch. If there is no second key, you need to create it (DWORD parameter) and give it the corresponding name. For each key, you can enter four values:
As a recommended parameter, automatic optimization of both systems and programs is set (“3”).
Another method for managing service parameters (and at the same time its SysMain SuperFetch process) is to use the services.msc command, which opens the settings window for executable services and processes. Here you need to find SuperFetch and open the service properties with a double click, and then set the necessary parameter from the drop-down list of the launch type.
The issue of using the service is debatable for many. In principle, with a small amount of RAM, it is better not to use the service. So, for example, if the amount of RAM does not exceed 1 GB, the memory load can reach 600 MB, not to mention virtual memory and a swap file. However, almost all modern computer systems, even with a minimal configuration, are initially equipped with sufficiently large volumes of “RAM” of the order of 3-4 GB or more. So disabling the service is not recommended. Even with 2 GB SuperFetch can be used, in general, without any problems.
But sometimes there are problems associated with the SuperFetch service (disable or not, this is everyone’s business). Failures at the system level themselves are not particularly evident and do not have a critical impact on the operation of the OS. Naturally, the best option would be to completely disable the service, but if there is enough memory, it is better to initially test it, eliminate possible problems, and only then make a decision about
Now you should go directly to disabling this feature. You can disable this feature from the menu of the same, as well as start it. • Open the Start menu; • Select the item “Control Panel”; • Next you should find the “Administration” tile and click on it; • Click on the “Services” link, you can also get here by clicking Win + R and entering services.msc; • Find the desired item with the name SuperFetch and double-click on it; • Select a startup type and set it to the “Disabled” position; • Apply the changes, you may need to restart the computer. Review of the best video players for Windows You can also disable the PreFetch service if you have a need, relevant for SSD drives. Performing step 6 on the contrary, you can enable this function in the system.
• Press the key combination Win + R; • Type regedit and press Enter; • Go to the following path HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE \ SYSTEM \ CurrentControlSet \ Control \ SessionManager \ Memory Management \ PrefetchParameters; • Find the EnableSuperfetcher parameter, if it is not, then create in DWORD format with the corresponding name; • Set the value for this variable to position 0 to disable SuperFetch, the number 3 is suitable for activation; • For disable the PreFetch service in the same window, select the EnablePrefetcher variable and set it to 0.
The specified sequence of actions allows you to disable the Superfetch service until the next restart of the computer. To disable the service completely, click on the Services button to launch the “Services” system program.
The fastest and easiest way to disable Superfetch! In addition to shutdown, additional options are available to speed up the computer. Now you can independently measure the system performance and choose the best option. All Windows operating systems are supported, including the latest 8 and 10 versions that use Superfetch.
Download Superfetch.exe for Windows for free
Version 2.03, File: superfetch.exe checked for viruses (see report on Virustotal), size: 0.4 Mb. 10.24.2018
Screenshot of the Superfetch for Windows utility main window
Disable services are supported: Superfetch, Prefetch, ReadyBoot, Windows Update NEW! Added ways to speed up the computer, such as: accelerated launch of programs, quick start.
Superfetch technology was developed by Microsoft to optimize the performance of system and user applications in Windows by caching data in RAM. On obsolete computers (for example, running Windows Vista), this optimization method significantly increases the speed of launching programs. But due to a shortage or overflow of computer RAM, this process is often erroneously cached to a swap file, which heavily loads or slows down the system due to frequent access to the HDD hard drive (problem: loading the disk).
According to statistics, Superfetch in more than 70% of cases is the cause of slowdowns for modern systems with RAM more than 4 GB. Separately, it is worth noting the problem of Superfetch when using SSD disks (problem: fast resource consumption of SSD disks). Samsung, a leading manufacturer of SSDs, recommends disabling Superfetch when using SSDs. For this, the specialized utility Samsung Magician provides a separate menu item:
Unfortunately, in the Windows OS settings, Superfetch is not disabled and this service is activated by default!
Sometimes it happens that problems may arise with the service. If you can’t turn it on, it doesn’t matter, it will not affect the computer’s work much. An error in the SuperFetch process may be that even when you enter the necessary parameters in the registry, it is not activated. Usually in the window you can see the access error or SuperFetch terminated, which means a crash. In this case, the best option would be to completely disable the service, but if you have a lot of RAM, it is better to test the process, identify and fix problems, and only then think about the further use of the service.
I think we have already figured out what this service is and how it works, now we need to figure out how to learn how to manage it. There are several ways you can configure the service through the registry or group policy. Both of these options are similar, but we will analyze the first option. First you need to call the Run menu; for this, press two Win + R keys simultaneously and enter regedit in the field.
Next, use the HKLM scroll button to find the PrefetchParameters directory; you can also do this using the search engine in the window. In this directory, we need two keys with the names EnablePrefetcher and EnableSuperFetch. It is worth noting that there may not be a second key. In this case, create a parameter called DWORD and assign it the name of the second key. For these two protocols, there are the same four parameters:
0 – shutdown; 1 – program optimization; 2 – component optimization; 3 – general acceleration of components and programs. For the best performance of the entire system, you should set the last parameter – 3.
Software optimization methods, although not as effective as, for example, installing additional RAM strips, but they also contribute to the acceleration of Windows. One of these methods is caching – storing data in a designated place for faster access to them in the future. so that upon subsequent access to these resources they load much faster. There is a cache in Windows itself, only it stores data not from the Internet, but from the components of the operating system and some of the most frequently used third-party programs. SysMain, also known as SuperFetch, runs the svchost.exe process under the control of all this.
So, SuperFetch. What kind of service is this, how does it work and what is it for? Its direct purpose is to accelerate the loading of components of the operating system and frequently used programs, although at this stage in the development of computer technology this point is very controversial. At the initial stage of launching components and applications, a special function monitors the data exchange operations between RAM and the hard disk and writes them to special PF files. Based on this data, a map of links to executable files and directories is created, and when the system starts, the Prefetcher service accesses these maps and downloads cached program data to a special area of RAM. At the moment the system or user starts the program, a full access to its executable file does not occur, since its “part” is already saved and loaded into memory. As a result, the number of accesses to the hard disk is reduced, and the application starts faster. The SuperFetch host service works in a similar way, which, in fact, is an improved version of Prefetcher, by the way, also present in Windows 7, 8.1 and 10. We will not dwell on the difference between the two services, we only note that SuperFetch can create configuration files containing data on the frequency and conditions of launching frequently used programs. You can also configure this process using the services.msc command; it opens the service settings menu. Here we find our discussed SuperFetch service, open it with a double click and configure it as described above, that is, set the required value to 3.
Based on the general description of SuperFetch, what kind of service this is, probably, already clear. But the question of disabling or using this process should be decided by the user. General recommendations are such that with a small amount of RAM it is better to disable it, but with a normal amount – on the contrary, leave it activated. At least, it will not bring harm for sure.
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